
A Quick Guide to COVID-19 Safety and Vaccination Check Procedures!

Hey folks! No Brand Con 2022 is just two weeks away, so it’s time to talk about how we’ll be handling COVID-19 vaccination checks this year!

What do I do when I arrive?
Whether you’ve preregistered or are registering at the door, at the final part of your check in at the registration table you will be asked to provide proof of vaccination. Show your CDC “COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card” and a photo ID to the staff member checking you in, they will verify it, and complete your check in process.

If you preregistered as a group, we will only release each badge as the person is checked in. We know it’s a little less convenient, but it’s the only way we can be sure everyone is taken care of.

Do you accept other forms of vaccination proof?
If you need to verify with something other than your COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card (state/county website, provider records), please email us at contact@nobrandcon.org beforehand so we can make sure we can access those sources. If you have pre-arranged us to check that source, you will be asked to step to the side to wait for one of our officers to arrive to do the confirmation themself. Importantly, we do not accept photographs of the vaccine card as proof of vaccination.

Badge sharing is strictly prohibited.
While we have been previously lenient on enforcing our policies regarding folks sharing badges, this is no longer the case. This year each badge is numbered and will be logged in our registration system attached to the attendee. If anyone is found using a badge not attached to their name, both the person using the badge and the attendee who originally registered for it will be banned from the event, and hotel security may be contacted.

Are masks required at all times?
Whenever in convention space or when directly interacting with No Brand Con Staff, you are required to be masked. There will be no eating or drinking in conspace. The only exception is when drinking water within ten feet of our water stations. We are attempting to make sure our water stations are in better ventilated areas as well.

We’re all excited for the con, and we’ll see you all in a couple of weeks!