Bring the Friends Together for No Brand Con!

Duct tape boy loves the holidays
Duct tape boy loves the holidays

The weather is cold; the No Brand Heroes are sleeping; and duct tape boy is temporarily frozen solid.

This season has you wrapped up in warm clothes and thinking of friends, friends who are reading manga, watching anime, surfacing the web, studying for finals, and more. What would be the perfect way to bring all these friends together?

Till the end of the year; we have buy three get one free registrations for No Brand Con. This is a great way to get all your awesome friends together in an awesome place for an awesome discount!

Vendor Room

Here are the vendors who are gonna be at No Brand Con!

20th-Century Books
Aardvark Anime/Exotic Lenses
Angry Fox LLC
Ark Studio
Black Belt Beads
Bowen Dragon
Clairemont Comics
Crimson Star Emporium
d20 Legendary Tabletop Games
Dial Up Games and Toys
The District Company
Eagle Anime
Fast Food Anime
Hedgehog and Otter
Odyssey Anime
Sakura Blossoms
Sorbet Jungle
Tangerine Mountain Imports and Designs

Initial D Arcade at No Brand Con!

If you’ve been paying attention to our Facebook page, we’ve been posting weekly vague and close up pictures of a surprise we’ve been preparing for you guys. So, here they are! For the past six months or so, our videogame heads have been hard at work refurbishing these Initial D racing cabinets! Get the full arcade experience of Initial D, free-to-play, at No Brand Con!

Volunteering at No Brand Con!

Want to get into No Brand Con without spending another dime? Well, if you help us out for a bit, you’ll get your badge for FREE as well as a FREE No Brand Con 2015 shirt!

If the idea of getting things without spending more money interests you, or if you just want to help out No Brand Con, then you should fill out our volunteer form and email it to!

Also, if you’ve already pre-registered for No Brand Con but would rather volunteer, we will refund your badge!

Wisconsin's Premiere Anime Convention!