Guest Announcement: Chris Cason!

No Brand Con is happy to announce Chris Cason as a guest for for our 2012 convention. His most prominent voice acting roles include Mr. Popo and Tien in Dragonball Z, Jack the Ripper in Soul Eater, and Gluttony in Full Metal Alchemist. He’s also done ADR directing for Funimation, and has also had a number of videogame voice acting roles.

Check the full description on our Guest Page

A Few Announcements

No Brand Con is pleased to welcome back voice actor Kyle Hebert for another great year! Best known for his work as the Narrator in Dragon Ball Z, Kyle has also provided voice work for dozens of other anime series, as well as video games, and advertisements.

We’re also happy to have DJ Jinrei with us for his first visit to No Brand Con. Jinrei has been providing live mixes for clubs and parties in California and Las Vegas for years and now will be bringing his unique skills and exciting beats to bear at the No Brand Con dance!

For more information on our first two guests, click on the Guests link in the navigation bar above.

Finally, we would like to announce that all space in the Artists’ Alley has been filled! We look forward to seeing all the original art and crafts for sale during the con.

Will You Be the Next No Brand Hero??

Every year you see No Brand Con’s intrepid mascots go on crazy adventures, but it looks like this year they’ll be one hero short. We’re going all out to find a replacement, so that they can get back to battling space mummies and businessrobots.

To find out how you can show the world what a great No Brand Hero you can be, check out the rules here. No only will you impress us with your superhuman powers, but one entrant will even get $30 dollars worth of swag or free admission to No Brand Con 2012!

Artist Alley Registration is now open!

You can now download our Artist Alley application, fill it out, and mail it in to us:

Sorry, Artist Alley Registration is now closed.

Tables are reserved on a first come, first serve basis and the Artist Alley tends to fill up very quickly, so don’t wait too long in filling it out and mailing it in to us. Also, remember the following requirements if you haven’t done so already from our update from last week. Being preregistered for the convention is a requirement in order to reserve a table, so make sure you do so before we receive your application in the mail!

Today is also the last day you’ll have to get in on our $25 early-bird preregistartion rate! You can preregister after today as well, but the rate will move up to $30 starting Sunday, October 2nd! Be sure to take advantage of the cheaper rate if you can!

Grandfather Vendor packets will also be mailed out this weekend. Once you’ve received yours, you can begin reserving your tables online!

And as always, you can follow us on Facebook and Twitter for convention updates.

Early-Bird Preregistration closes tomorrow on Saturday, October 1st!

Just a reminder you only have two more days to take advantage of our $25 early-bird preregistration rate! Your mail-in registration form must be post-marked by Saturday, October 1 or you must have registered online by midnight on Sunday, October 2nd to get in on this discounted rate! Starting Sunday, October 2 preregistration will move up to our standard $30 rate which will run until April 6, 2012 when preregistration for No Brand Con XI closes, so be sure to take advantage of this while you can!

Also, just a reminder that the application form for Artist Alley will go up tomorrow on Saturday, October 1st! Once the form is up, you can download it, fill it out, and send it in to us! Be sure you check the previous update below this one for details as there are a couple of specific requirements that need to be met before your reservation becomes final. Our Artist Alley tends to fill up very quickly, so don’t wait too long to fill out and mail your application in.

And as always, you can follow us on Facebook and Twitter for convention updates.

Artist Alley and Grandfather Vendor Registration will open October 1st

We wanted to give all our prospective Artist Alley and Grandfather Vendors a heads up that we will be opening up registration for both next Saturday, October 1st.

We will post our 2012 Artist Alley registration form online in an update next Saturday, and Artist Alley vendors will be able to download and print it out, fill it out, and mail it in to us. Tables for the Artist Alley will be reserved on a first come, first serve basis in the order we receive applications in the mail. Each Artist/Studio is only allowed to reserve one table. The following is required:

1. Any prospective Artist/Studio who would like to reserve a table in our 2012 Artist Alley MUST be preregistered for the 2012 convention. If we receive your application in the mail and check our registration system and see you have not preregistered, we will move onto the next application we’ve received and you will NOT receive an e-mail confirmation. We are letting all prospective Artists/Studios know a week in advance of when we’ll be opening up the Artist Alley so they can take advantage of our $25 early-bird registration rate before it moves up to $30 starting October 2, 2011. Table pricing for Artist’s Alley can be found on our Vendors page.

2. Once we receive your application and verify you have preregistered in our registration system, we will send you a confirmation e-mail stating you have a space reserved. You can request a specific spot or table and we will do our best to put you in or near that area but we cannot guarantee you’ll get a specific table you requested.

3. We have 19 tables available. Once they are full up, we will close taking applications and take the form off the website. If we receive your application after the tables are filled, you will be put on a waiting list in case of a cancellation in the order we received them.

4. Please do not submit payment for the table with your application. We prefer to receive payment after e-mail confirmations have been sent out to the Artists/Studios who we have confirmed. Mailing your payment with your application will not increase your chances of getting a table.

5. If you preregister for the convention, but are unable to get a table in our Artist Alley, we have no problem refunding preregistration as long as you put in the request by April 6, 2012 when preregistration for the 2012 convention closes. You can e-mail by that date requesting a refund of your registration if you do not plan on attending the convention.

We will mail out Vendor packets to our Grandfather Vendors the weekend of October 1st and Grandfather Vendors will be able to begin reserving tables once they’ve received it via e-mail. This is ONLY for past vendors of No Brand Con who receive a vendor packet. If we have any tables available after Grandfather Vendor registration closes, we will open up what remaining tables we have to any new vendors.

If you have any questions about the Artists Alley, please e-mail our art head at or if you have any questions about our Vendor Room, you can e-mail our vendor head at Feel free to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for convention updates.

Getting ready for STEAK VI!

We had a lot of fun at the Eau Claire Comics Hobby Expo this past weekend! For a first year event of it’s kind in the area, they had a very strong turnout! We definitely look forward to returning next year!

Next up on the No Brand calendar of events is STEAK VI! What the heck is STEAK you’re possibly wondering? STEAK was started up back in 2006 as a Fall table gaming event run by the UWEC Gamer’s Guild and No Brand Con Table Gaming committee as a kind of bridge event between each No Brand Con that happens in the Spring. Since then, STEAK has expanded from a two-day table gaming event to a three-day gaming event that includes table gaming, a video game room, and viewing theater for anime! The best part of STEAK is that it’s completely free to attend!

STEAK VI will be taking place in two and a half weeks during the weekend of October 7-9 in the UWEC Davies Center Skylight Lounge. The Skylight Lounge is located directly above the UWEC bookstore. There will be a handful of video game and table gaming tournaments run over the course of the weekend. We also do a food drive for the Eau Claire area Feed My People food bank. Anyone who brings in a non-perishable item will receive a free STEAK event button which we only give away during the weekend of STEAK! If you’d like more information about STEAK VI, feel free to check out the STEAK facebook page or ask a question on our STEAK forum. We’ll be posting updates as far as what tournaments will be run during the weekend as we get closer to the event. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates on STEAK as well as other con related announcements.

We hope to see you there!

Road to No Brand Con 2012 – Stop #4: Eau Claire Comics Hobby Expo

A big thanks to everyone who stopped by our table and room parties at Geek.Kon this past weekend! A lot of fun was had by all and it was definitely the best Geek.Kon to date! Major kudos to their staff for putting on such a stellar convention!

Looking ahead to our next stop, usually when our staff has to travel to other events, it’s at least a couple of hours drive for us. At least our next event is only going to require us to drive across town! Several of our staffers will be heading to the Eau Claire Comics Hobby Expo this Saturday, September 17 at The Metropolis Resort in Eau Claire, WI. The Expo will more specifically be taking place in the Metro Room at Action City and will run from 10AM to 5PM that day. We’ll have a table there where you’ll be able to take advantage of our special at-con early-bird registration rate of just $20! This will be the last time we’ll be offering our cheapest registration rate for No Brand Con XI next May before our online registration rate moves up to $30 after October 1, 2011.

The Expo itself looks like it will have a lot of interesting vendors and guests from various industries and it’s only $4 to get in! And for any anime fans who might worry there won’t be much for them to check out, don’t worry as Eagle Anime from the twin cities will be a vendor there covering all your anime goody needs!

Also, be sure to stick around Action City after the Expo closes at 5PM because a couple of our staffers will be taking on Action City’s Gorilla Pizza Challenge! Will two of them be able to scarf down a 30 inch pizza in under an hour to defend the honor of No Brand Con? You’ll have to stick around to find out!

Hope to see you there!

Wisconsin's Premiere Anime Convention!