Thanks to everyone who stopped by!

We just wanted to thank everyone who stopped by our tables at AniMinneapolis and WausaubiCon this weekend! We also wanted to thank the great staff of both conventions who let us come in this weekend to promote the con.

We’ll be posting a small video report for both conventions here in the next couple of weeks as well as an update of what convention we’ll be heading to next!

And as always, you can follow us on Facebook & Twitter for convention updates if you can’t always check the main site!

On the road to AniMinneapolis & WausaubiCon!

It’s convention time once again! We’re heading to our first stop on the Road to No Brand Con 2012!

Our staff teams will be hitting the road today heading to both AniMinneapolis at The Northland Inn in Brooklyn Park, MN and WausaubiCon at The Plaza Hotel & Suites in Wausau, WI! If you’ll be at either of these conventions this weekend, stop by our table and you can preregister for No Brand Con XI next May for just $20! We’ll also be running a few deals on our convention merchandise, so be sure to pick up that “Is My Roommate Dead?” Stick you missed out on at our last convention this past April!

And as always, you can follow us on Facebook & Twitter for convention updates if you can’t always check the main site!

No Brand Con XI mail-in registration form now online!

We want to make sure everyone has multiple options when they pre-register for the convention, so we’re happy to announce that our 2012 mail-in registration form is now online! You can find and download the form by clicking here or find the link to it on our Attendee page.

The same rates you’ll find online are also on the form. It’s $25 to pre-register before October 1, 2011 and then it will move up to $30 which will run until April 6, 2012 when pre-registration for the 2012 convention will close. You can also pre-order the 2012 convention t-shirt for just $10 too!

This does not affect the $20 special we will be running at upcoming conventions at our promotional tables. You will still be able to receive that special discounted rate, but only at our designated tables at the conventions we announce we will be attending. The mail-in registration form is just to give everyone an additional option for registering for the convention on top of doing so online through paypal. We will also be uploading our sponsor packet soon too, and we will announce when that is online in the coming weeks.

Road to No Brand Con 2012 – Stop #1: Two conventions, one weekend!

In two weeks, No Brand Con will be hitting the road! Between now and No Brand Con XI next May, we’ll be at several regional conventions and events where you’ll be able stop to by our ambassador tables and get some great deals on our con merchandise and a discounted registration rate!

Our first stops on the docket, we’ll be sending two separate staff teams to two conventions happening the same weekend in July. We’ll be at WausaubiCon at The Plaza Hotel & Suites in Wausau, WI and AniMinneapolis at The Northland Inn in Brooklyn Park, MN both of which are happening the weekend of July 8-10, 2011. If you’re attending either of these conventions, you can stop by our tables and preregister for No Brand Con next year for just $20! That’s $5 off the early bird rate of $25 we’ll be running online until the end of September! This is the lowest rate we’ll be offering a weekend pass for next year’s convention and you’ll only be able to get this discounted rate during these conventions at our tables, so be sure to take advantage if you’ll be at either of these cons!

And as always, you can follow us on Facebook & Twitter for convention updates and what conventions and events we’ll be at if you can’t always check the main site!

Early Bird Preregistration is now open!

We’re happy to announce Early Bird preregistration is now open online for No Brand Con 2012 for just $25! Click here to get started! However, this rate will only be run online until October 1, 2011 when it will then afterward move up to our standard $30 rate, so be sure the take advantage of this before the end of September to insure you get the cheapest online rate!

And just a reminder, our room block for No Brand Con 2012 is open for anyone to make a reservation, so you can now take care of all your convention preparations for next year! Feel free to check out our Location page for more info on how to book a room! The earlier you reserve a room, the better selection of room types will be available to you, so we strongly recommend booking a room sooner rather than later!

And as always, feel free to follow us on Facebook & Twitter for convention updates if you can’t always check the main site!

Early Bird Preregistration will open on June 1st!

We’re happy to announce we will be opening up early bird preregistration for No Brand Con XI next week on Wednesday, June 1! It will be only $25 to register online or mail-in for the entire weekend! However, we will only be running this rate online until October 1, 2011 when it will then move up to our traditional $30 preregistration rate which will run for the remainder of the time until preregistration closes next April, so be sure to register early!

We will also be posting an update soon for all the professional cosplay photos that were taken last April during No Brand Con X. We apologize for the delay in this, but with the photos we’ve seen so far from the photograher, it will definitely be worth the wait!

And as always, you can follow us on Facebook & Twitter for convention updates!

No Brand Con in the News!

Here’s are links to all the local media coverage for No Brand Con X a couple of weeks ago:

(some articles may require a subscription to completely view)

Eau Claire Leader-Telegram convention preview article from 4/14/11.
Eau Claire Leader-Telegram convention coverage article/video from 4/17/11.
Eau Claire Leader-Telegram post convention article from 4/18/11.

Volume One Magazine convention preview article from 3/31/11.
Volume One Magazine convention photos from 4/26/11.

WQOW TV-18 (ABC) convention coverage article/video from 4/15/11.
WEAU TV-13 (NBC) convention preview interview from 3/16/11.
WEAU TV-13 (NBC) convention coverage video from 4/15/11.
WEAU TV-13 (NBC) convention coverage article from 4/15/11.

Sports Radio 1400 “The Watercooler” convention preview interview from 4/1/11.
20 Second Radio PSA for No Brand Con X that aired on local radio prior to convention.

Red Letter Media’s convention report from 4/22/11 episode of “Half in the Bag”.

We’ll be posting an update soon to all our convention cosplay photos that were taken during the convention! And as always, you can follow us on Facebook & Twitter for convention updates!

2012 Hotel Information Updated!

We’ve set up our room block for NoBrandCon 2012 so you can now start making reservations online or calling The Plaza in order to book a room for NoBrandCon next year! Feel free to check out the Location page for more information on how to book a room! The convention rates are the same as they were for this past convention (standard rooms starting at $92 per night) so be sure to book early to insure you’ll get the best room type!

And as always, you can follow us on Facebook & Twitter for convention updates!

No Brand Con X Survey

Once again, thank you to everyone who attended NBCX this year.  If you did not get a chance to fill out a NBCX Survey at the convention, we encourage you to fill out one now online.   Let us know what you thought of No Brand Con X; so we can make the convention even better for next year!

Link to survey:

Thanks for your feedback!

A big thanks to everyone!

On behalf of all the staff of No Brand Con this year, we wanted to thank all the volunteers, guests, vendors, artists, panelists, and most importantly, all the attendees who helped make this the best No Brand Con yet! We had 1,271 people attend this year’s convention, which made this the biggest No Brand Con to date. We definitely want to hear your feedback of what you thought of this year’s event, so feel free to post on our Feedback/Suggestions forum on what you liked or thought could use some improvements or what you’d like to see at future cons!

For all of those who were not able to attend closing ceremonies, we just wanted to give you a heads up since we announced our dates for 2012 at the end of this past convention. No Brand Con XI will be taking place at The Plaza again next year during the weekend of May 4-6, 2012. Hopefully being a bit later in the Spring next year will allows us to avoid the snow better! XD

We’ve got a lot of good ideas percolating already to make next year’s convention all that much better and we’ll be hitting the road attending upcoming conventions including Wausaubicon, Geek.kon, and Daishocon with a lot of cool promotions for everyone! In the meantime, feel free to join up on our forums to chat about the convention and other topics with your fellow con goers. You can also always follow us on Facebook & Twitter for convention updates!

Wisconsin's Premiere Anime Convention!