Overflow Hotel Information

Hey guys, since the Ramada Inn (and the Greentree Inn) are full, we have made arrangements with the following two hotels in Eau Claire…

Heartland Inn
4075 Commonwealth Ave. EC, WI 54701
715 839-7100 (front desk)
eauclaire@heartlands.com (email)

Rodeway Inn & Suites
1828 South Hastings Way (US Highway Bus53), EC, WI 54701
715 835-3600 (front desk)
nperson@awardhospitality.net (email)

For both hotels, you are better off talking directly to the front desk of the hotel to get a special rate for people who are here for No Brand Con. You MUST tell them you are with No Brand Con if you want to save some money.

Only a Few More Days To Preregister!

Hey folks, this is just a reminder that Preregistration for No Brand Con 2008 Closes on Monday, March 23rd, so you better get that in soon! No Brand Con 2009 is coming up faster than you think!

Remember, you can preregister online, which is the best way to do it, using PayPal (or Credit/Debit Card, signing up for PayPal is not required) or send in a Mail in form with a check or money order.

Site Issues

It wouldn’t be spring time round these parts without our webhost being wonky. We’re well aware of the site slowdowns (and occasional glitches) this has caused, and we’re looking into what we can do about it.

Sadly, any major site transitions will need to wait until after the convention this year (to make sure the registration system doesn’t get borked in the process), but we’re doing our best.

(And remember, there’s only a week and a half left to Preregister!)

No Brand Con comes to MarsCon! (Oh, and the Vendor Room is Full!)

For yet another year, No Brand Con will be hosting a room party at MarsCon in Bloomington, MN! We’ll be there on Saturday night in room 1302, so make sure to stop by!

On a side note, both the Vendor Room and Artist Alley have now been sold out. Sorry to anyone we have to turn away, but as always we have limited space. We at No Brand Con are excited though about the great variety of artists and vendors that will be at the convention this year, and we think it’s going to be a great year for No Brand Con!

Volunteer at No Brand Con 2009!

Hey No Brand Con fans, did you know that people who volunteer to work at No Brand Con for ten hours get into the convention for free? You didn’t? Well, now you know!

To volunteer at No Brand Con you must be at least 18 years old, and able to attend our training meeting the night before. For more details on rules, please read our (short) Volunteer handbook for the nitty gritty. Once you’ve read that, feel free to fill out a volunteer form to let us know you want to help!

On an entirely unrelated subject, Vendor Registration is now open to new vendors as well.

Update: For those who asked, a Word version of the volunteer form is available that you can e-mail to volunteering@nobrandcon.org as well.

Your No Brand Con Update! Mail in forms galore!

Hey No Brand Heroes! Just a few quick updates around the site today. First and foremost, our Artist Alley page for 2009 is now up. There you will find the forms to register for an Artist alley table.

Secondly, we’ve uploaded our Sponsor information for 2009 as well. You can find the packet for it here (PDF).

Finally, we’ve put up a printable mail in version of the 2009 registration form for those of you who prefer to pay by check.

More updates are on the way as well, so keep a look out.

Wisconsin's Premiere Anime Convention!