Registration Now Open for 2009!
No Brand Con is now accepting Preregistration for the 2009 Convention! You can find out more information on our Attendee Information Page, or just go ahead and go straight to it and…
Preregister for No Brand Con 2009!
We are also now opening up limited vendor registration. If you have vended at No Brand Con before and would like to again, contact our head of vendors Ben and we will give you instructions. After stage one of vendor registration is complete, we will be opening it up to new vendors.
No Brand Con comes to Geek.kon!
Hey folks, many of our staffers are going to be down at Geek.kon in Madison this weekend! It’s a great convention in Madison, WI — so you should stop by if you have the time. While you’re there, say Hi to some of your favorite No Brand Con staffers at our table in the “Other Cons” room and some good friends of No Brand Con in the Vendor room like Rising Stuff and Taeliac Studio! I should also mention that this year, like last year, Geek.kon is free, so it’s pretty easy on the wallet.
Sadly, because they are not in a hotel, we won’t be running an official room party at Geek.kon, but we sure would like to see you there!
No Brand Con comes to Kakkoi|Con!
No Brand Con comes to Kakkoi|Con 2008 in the Twin Cities this weekend to run a room party on Saturday night. We’re not sure what room number we’ll be in yet, so look for fliers (or stop by the Rising Stuff booth) to find out where it will be.
We hope to see you there!
Announcing No Brand Con 2009!
We made an unofficial announcement on our forums a few weeks ago, but everything is confirmed now to announce No Brand Con 8!
April 24-26, 2009
The No Brand Heroes will return to the Ramada Convention Center, so stick around. The website will be updated in the next few weeks to reflect this…
…and to reveal next year’s theme.
Thanks for a great No Brand Con 2008!
No Brand Con has wrapped up for yet another year, and was bigger than ever with an attendance of 1075! We’d like to thank everyone who came and made this the best No Brand Con yet.
While you’re here, you should Stop By Our Forums and say hi to everyone else who came! Remember, the community is year round on
Still Looking for a Hotel Room?
For those of you who are still looking for a room last minute, you may have noticed that the official Hotel has been full for a while, as is our primary backup hotel. Because of that, we’ve set up another backup hotel. It’s a bit away from the convention center, so you’ll need to drive down to the con from there, but it’s easy to find from the freeway.
Our backup hotel is the Heartland Inn —
4075 Commonwealth Ave.
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Phone: 715 839 7100
The Secret Mission Continues!
More from No Brand Con’s Amazing Justice Center!
No Brand Con 2008 Preregistration now Closed!
Hey folks, it’s April 1st, and that means (besides the fact that you should check your chairs for whoopee cushions) that No Brand Con preregistration has closed. The final count isn’t in yet (as we still need to tabulate our mail in registrations) but early results show that we’ve beaten last years prereg count quite handily.
We think that’s pretty neat.
Confirmation letters will be going out at the end of the week, so make sure you check your mail.
Just to remind you, that if you missed the chance to preregister, that you can still attend No Brand Con (albeit for a slightly higher price) – so don’t let having forgotten to preregister keep you from attending. We still would love to see you there.
No Brand Con Podcast #2
Hey there! While the No Brand Heroes are busy fighting evil, we thought we’d bring you the second No Brand Con Podcast to continue the entertainment extravaganza. In this installment Topher talks to Ross, the No Brand Con workforce organizer, about volunteering at No Brand Con. He also talks to Katie about what to expect at this year’s No Brand Con Dance. Finally, Connor Rants about something. It’s full of fun, trust me.
Download No Brand Con Podcast #2
Next Week: Music at No Brand Con 2008!
And remember, Preregistration closes at 11:59pm Central on March 31st — so if you want the reduced rate for registration, make sure you get that in quickly!